Wedding themes are evolving all the time, offering a variety of trends in wedding colour schemes, floral displays, centrepieces and even fonts for your wedding stationery. We have seen many different themes at wedding venue Woodhall Manor.
Some like to keep it classic, others like to go alternative. We are exploring the world of the alternative themed weddings, so you can gather some inspiration for your upcoming nuptials.
Disney themed weddings
Disney is the king of couple goals. The likes of Eric and Ariel, Jasmine and Aladdin, Belle and The Beast and of course Mickey and Minnie have shown us how love and relationships should be (without singing tea sets and angry sorcerers).
Why not create the perfect start to your happily ever after by adding hints of Disney magic? You could have a floating rose as your centrepiece, dedicate your wedding cake to your favourite characters or even name your tables after the ultimate Disney couples.
Game of Thrones themed wedding
Since Game of Thrones hit our TV screens back in 2011, we have been completely engulfed in the fantasy, relationships and graphic scenes of the Stark, Arryn, Baratheon, Tully, Greyjoy, Lannister, Tyrell, Martell and Targaryen families.
Although we wouldn’t suggest your future relationship be based on the antics of the Game of Thrones families, the style and creative nature of the series would definitely be worth looking in to.
You could have goblets, mood lighting, costumes and even offer GOT style entertainment as part of your big day.
Alice in Wonderland themed wedding
Alice in Wonderland parties have always been popular. Whether it’s for birthday parties or weddings, the whimsical and crazy nature of the story lends itself perfectly to creativity and fun.
The branding of the franchise is so strong, even a simple ‘Eat Me’ sign or use of clocks and Queen of Hearts cards can create an Alice style wedding.
What better way to spend your wedding breakfast than in the style of Lewis Carroll’s ultimate dinner party. There is a Mad Hatter in every family after all.
Unicorn themed wedding
The use of unicorns has been huge this year. They have appeared in home decor, toy boxes, fashion and on holiday throughout 2018.
It’s only natural that this magical, mystical trend would reach the wedding world.
All your favourite colours can be incorporated using this theme, it also offers the chance to enjoy all things shiny, sparkly and flowing.
Take on this entrancing theme, so you can start your marriage in a world of enchantment.
Credit Kelsie Low Photography
Friends themed wedding
Since Friends has appeared on Netflix, a whole new generation has fallen in love with the relationships between the 6 characters. Whether it’s the on again off again relationship between Ross and Rachel, the unexpectedly natural love between Chandler and Monica or the heart-breaking secret love that Phoebe has for Joey (sorry Mike), we have all fallen for their chaotic charm.
There are so many clever ways to incorporate a Friends theme to your wedding day.
You could do a Friends style photoshoot with umbrellas, design your stationery around the well-loved Central Perk signage or even have an acoustic singer with a Phoebe style Smelly Cat as entertainment.
Star Wars themed wedding
“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away….” the Star Wars series was born. Followed quickly by generations of adoring fans. This cultural phenomenon has opened our imaginations to a world of love, excitement and hope.
We have seen Storm Troopers at weddings, R2D2 cakes and one couple even had the opening crawl on their aisle runner. Grab your light saber and head on over to Woodhall for the ultimate wedding photography!