Five simple ways to save money on your wedding

We talk about budgets a lot here because it’s such a significant part of wedding planning. It’s the first decision you have to make and a decision that impacts every other choice you come up against during your preparations.

We have collected five quick ways to save money on your wedding without compromising quality. We think that if you have to save money, you shouldn’t have to have second best to do it!

1. Set the budget first and stick to it

Yes we know budgeting isn’t as interesting as dress shopping, devising a wedding theme or shopping for shoes. However, it’s a decision that will impact all of those things so has to be done.

Plus, if you get the boring bit out of the way first, you’ll have more time and energy to devote to dress and shoe shopping!

2. Negotiate everything

As long as you are fair and realistic, all wedding providers are willing to do a deal. Some costs are set in stone, such as a church or registry office fees. Everything else is negotiable.

It might be useful to not even mention you’re looking for suppliers for a wedding until you have to. Some providers add a “wedding premium” to their costs because they know if a couple really wants them, they will pay to have their perfect day.

There’s nothing wrong with getting an event quote, then casually mentioning it’s a wedding once you agree a price as long as you’re honest.

3. Shop around

As shops and suppliers have become more adept at convincing you to buy, you have to be stronger and more aware to avoid it. Weddings are a huge industry so there is plenty of choice when shopping for dresses, cakes, transport and so on.

Once you have the venues, the rest is all about finding the right product in the right place at the right price.

4. Be creative

We appreciate this is quite a sweeping statement, but we will qualify it.

Be creative with – the wedding date. Consider a midweek wedding to save big money on venues and pretty much every service the average wedding requires. We run midweek wedding packages that can save up to a third on the cost of your reception.

Be creative with – wedding items. You can make your own wedding favours, table decorations, cake and invitations. You can use borrowed or second hand suits, wedding dresses and jewellery or hire your attire. Each can cost significantly less than buying new with no compromise on quality.

Be creative with – your wedding theme. Vintage weddings lend themselves to mix and match, reusing older items, second hand and items with history. It’s a great wedding theme within which to save money while still having a fantastic day.

Be creative with – your expectations. If you don’t have a Hollywood budget, you’re unlikely to achieve a Hollywood wedding. So don’t try. Be realistic and set achievable expectations.

Make your wedding more meaningful with creative elements such as disposable cameras instead of wedding favours, a picnic in the park instead of a full dinner, cupcakes instead of a wedding cake and so on.

5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Do you know someone who is a great baker? Ask them to make the cake and/or desserts for you. Do you know someone with a nice car? Ask them if they will take you to your wedding ceremony. Know someone who is great at crafts? Ask them to make your invitations, wedding favours or table decorations.

Not only will including others in your wedding preparations help make them feel involved, it also make it more personal and saves you a fortune in the process. That’s a win win in our book!


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