Six weeks to wonderful wedding skin.

Your wedding preparations are almost complete, your dress has arrived, your venue is booked, you have arranged everything, got new shoes and almost everything is ready for your big day. All that’s left is you.

You’re going to glow on your wedding day, but glow alone isn’t enough. To make you feel truly happy and confident, you’re going to want clear, clean skin that you’re happy to show off to the world.

Here’s how to get it.

This clean skin plan begins six weeks before your wedding at the very latest. If you can make positive lifestyle changes before then all the better, otherwise follow this plan as closely as you can.

Six weeks before the wedding

The first week of your clean skin plan mainly involves your diet. Hopefully, you will have a fairly healthy diet anyway, but there’s always room for improvement. Time is quickly running out so you have to make changes now if you’re to be ready in time for your wedding.

Ignore anything that comes from a packet. That includes chocolate, biscuits, ready meals, crisps and snacks. None of them are any good for you and all contain artificial and processed ingredients that will not help your skin.

Swap them for fruit, vegetables and lots of water. Skip fizzy drinks and swap them for tea or more water. If you don’t like eating fruit and vegetables, consider making smoothies with them. Add some Greek yoghurt, a bit of honey to sweeten and replace your snacks with a healthy smoothie.

Five weeks before the wedding

You should already be seeing skin improvements if you have made the changes at week six. Now it’s time to add exercise to this regime. The combination of exercise and diet are the two major factors in how our skin looks and feels. Keep your diet clean and keep hydrated and you’ll start looking better almost immediately.

Now it’s time for exercise, go for a jog, a run, do an exercise DVD, join a Zumba class or whatever. Just find an exercise you’re going to be able to stick with and do it. The more effort you put in, the more you get out.

Just remember to shower immediately afterwards and to drink as much water as you can safely manage to maintain your skin.

Four weeks before the wedding

While keeping up the diet and exercise regime, now it’s time to rid your skin of the old and bring in the new. Exfoliation and body brushing are the order of the week starting now.

Get a body brush and give yourself a once over first thing in the morning before you have a shower. Start at your feet and work your way up. It is said to help the body rid itself of toxins and help with water retention. It also helps rid the skin of dead cells, so it’s going to help you in one way or another.

Three weeks before the wedding

Inner cleansing is something that may be controversial or unpleasant to consider, but many beauty experts swear by it. We’re going to leave this step optional, but many A-listers say it works for them.

Book three sessions of colonic irrigation, one per week until your wedding day. The belief is that cleaning out your insides removes toxins and allows your body to replenish and rehydrate the large intestine. This is reflected in your skin.

Two weeks before the wedding

Now we’re getting close to the wedding day, it’s time for more professional help. By now, the diet, exercise, body brushing and perhaps the colonic irrigation is all having a positive effect on your skin. Now it’s time for a deep clean.

Book a deep cleansing facial at your spa of choice. Let it clean your skin and expel as many toxins as possible before your big day. Doing it two weeks in advance allows your skin get over the procedure, get rid of any spots that appear afterwards and let the renewal finish it’s job.

One week before the wedding

Do nothing new. Maintain the diet, keep up the exercise, keep brushing and/or exfoliating but don’t do anything else. Your skin should be clean, clear and looking younger than ever by now, so let’s leave it alone for the final week before your wedding.

Keep drinking water and keep eating healthily. You’re probably going to have too much else going on for fancy treatments or visits to the spa, so just look after yourself until your big day!


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