Mary and Neil’s Wedding Story

Mary and Neil’s Wedding Story:

Where did you get engaged and how long had you been together before hand?

“We got engaged on the Island of Rhodes in Lindos last year, we had been together about 2 and half years.”

How many venues did you visit before you chose Woodhall Manor as your wedding venue?

“A couple.”

How did you feel when you first visited Woodhall Manor, did you know straight away that you wanted to get married here?

“We knew straight away that we wanted to get married there, although it was summer when we visited and we were to have a winter wedding, we could see how lovely it would be in the winter with the fires and candles burning.”

What was your first step of wedding planning? Venue search, dress shopping, choosing a date, etc?

“The first step was booking the venue, then we chose the date and everything continued from there.”

How many months/years in advance did you book your special day?

“We booked it about 6 months in advance.”

What was the hardest thing about planning your wedding day?

“Everything was pretty straightforward, probably choosing music was the most difficult!”

Were there any funny moments on the Day?

“We hired a vintage bus to take guests from Woodhall to the church and back, everyone really enjoyed this, and it caused some laughs when the bus was trying to make it up the hill to the church!”

What were the highlights of your day?

“Seeing each other in the Church, travelling back on the vintage bus to Woodhall Manor, the wonderful dining room laid out with all the table decorations, and the fantastic flowers we had, the lovely meal we had and my son who made a wonderful speech for us.”

Now you have “been there done that” in hindsight is there anything you would have done differently?

“We would have liked to have had some live entertainment in the evening, perhaps a band.”

Do you have any advice for Bride and Grooms that are just starting their wedding plans?

“Do lots of research, think about what you would really like to do on your day, and go for it.

Photography by: Sara Thomas


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