How to Use Pinterest to Design Your Perfect Wedding.

If you’re up on social media, you’ll know all about Pinterest. It’s an image sharing network where people from all over the world from all walks of life share photos of everything from cute puppies to wedding days. If you’re stuck for inspiration for your own wedding, or are looking for ideas, this is the place to go.

About Pinterest

Pinterest allows you to share images, create scrapbooks and more, all from a simple dashboard. Essentially it’s a social network for people who love taking photographs, drawing and design. It’s also for anyone, so if you have even a passing interest in images, you have to try it.

Pinterest allows you to create “boards”. These are simply pages of images you like and have “pinned,” meaning they are permanently linked to your page so you can find them easily. This is a boon for wedding planning as you can imagine!

It’s free, easy to use and takes only a few seconds to join. Once you’re in, you can begin searching for weddings, dresses and inspiration from all over the world. We’re not affiliated in any way with Pinterest, we simply acknowledge its usefulness in planning the perfect wedding! Why not check out our boards to get you started.

How Pinterest Can Help With Your Wedding

If you’re planning your wedding, you will have undoubtedly already bought every wedding magazine on the shelf, surfed every wedding website, looked at dresses, themes, venues, cakes and everything else that goes into making that perfect wedding.

Think of Pinterest as an infinite digital mood board. Search the site, find images and themes you like and “pin them.” When you pin something, you link it to your own dashboard, meaning everything will be in one place for you to peruse at leisure.

You can set up as many boards as you like and call them all different things. This allows you to have a board for wedding dresses, a board for invitations, a board for cakes and so on. It’s an easy way to collate a huge amount of information and inspiration in one place, which is why we like it so much.

To add to all that, many wedding designers, dressmakers, bakers, venues and photographers all use Pinterest to advertise their businesses. You can find suppliers, that perfect wedding venue or the cake of your dreams from the site too, making it even more useful in your wedding planning!


The other advantage with having online mood boards is that you can share them and collaborate. If, for example, your bridesmaid lives miles away, you can give them access to your boards and discuss your ideas with them. That allows you to get a range of different opinions and hopefully come to some decisions.

Have family all over the country, or all over the world? That’s no problem either as they will also be able to access your boards. Show them the bridesmaids dresses you have chosen and get feedback. Show them the venue and get the thumbs up. Well, you get the idea.

Once you have mood boards you love, you can then share them with your vendors. Have a flower mood board that you have refined to perfection? Share it with your florist so they can see for themselves the look you’re going for. Have a few cakes you want to emulate? Share it with your baker so they can see what you have in mind too.

A picture says a thousand words and it’s true. That’s why using a medium such as this for wedding planning is so useful.

Building a Wedding Theme

When you first plan your wedding, chances are you have a loose idea of the kind of thing you want but nothing specific. By creating a theme board, you can surf Pinterest and pick and choose colours, images, themes, objects and so on and watch a wedding theme gradually evolve.

It’s fascinating to watch a theme board like this grow and change as a bride refines ideas, discards some and discovers others. It’s a great way of finding inspiration for that perfect wedding day. The only problem is knowing when to stop!

Start a theme board and randomly surf the site for things you like. They don’t even have to be about weddings. See what’s trending at the moment, see what the most popular images are and use them as inspiration. Some will work, some won’t, which is why it’s good to share and collaborate.

Casting your net as wide as possible is the best way to achieve the wedding of your dreams. While magazines, friends and family have a lot to offer, there’s a big world out there and it too has plenty for you to use as inspiration.

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